Lab News
February 24, 2025
Emma Miller just joined the lab (yay!)...that brings us now to a size of VI!
January 8, 2025
AMAZING: Nisha won the 2nd place poster prize (out of >110 posters?!?) at the SIMB Natural Product Discovery and Development in the Genomic Era conference in San Diego. We are very proud of you...well done Nisha!
January 6, 2025
Josie Mostek officially joins the're definitely on the right track now...welcome!
August 28, 2024
We had some fun on rides and ate great food at the Minnesota State Fair. No official air hockey tournament as in previous years, but Nisha and Chi-Fang did face off against their fearless advisor in air'll have to ask them how it went 😁.
August 6, 2024
Nisha keeps our streak alive with her best poster prize in the natural products division at the 2024 SIMB annual meeting...way to go!
June 2024
James, Erin, and Larissa from Bethel University are joining us this summer on a joint research project...this should be fun, welcome!
May 3, 2024
Kathryn was awarded the Ross A. Gortner Award and Nisha was awarded the Armstrong-Pothapragada Graduate Fellowship during the 2024 Bollum Symposium...very impressive, congratulations!
April 19, 2024
There was no horsing around during Kathryn's graduate studies...impressive work Dr. Crone!
April 16, 2024
Aileen did pawsitively excellent at her Ph.D. defense, congratulations Dr. Lee!
October 27, 2023
Another fun lab outing getting our full hour's worth at ZE:RO Hour Escape Room followed up with some food, pool, and giant Jenga!
August 1, 2023
UNDEFEATED! Aileen again blasts through the competition at the 2023 SIMB annual meeting to win the poster prize for natural products, bringing her professional record to 2-0!
July 16, 2023
Long overdue!! 2nd (hopefully-from-now-on) Annual Freeman-Buller joint lab outing, this time at Perrot State Park.
June 2023
Former Freeman lab member Dr. Freddie Miller is doing some exciting work at Miromatrix on organ transplant technology!
June 2023
Our group keeps growing...Ankita Sikdar Sarkar begins volunteering in the Freeman lab!
May 4, 2023
Kathryn was presented with the Frederick J. Bollum Memorial Award after giving an AMAZING talk to close out the 2023 Bollum Symposium. We are all incredibly proud of you!
February 2023
Undergraduate Max Pinamonti joins the lab...welcome!
December 9, 2022
Aman does a fantastic job at his Ph.D. defense...we all will miss you. Congratulations!
August 26, 2022
We all had fun at Big Stone Mini Golf during this year's Freeman lab outing!
May 4, 2022
Kathryn is awarded the Ross A. Gortner Award for excellence in enzymology after the 2022 Bollum Symposium. She also received the competitive 2022-23 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from UMN...congratulations!!
March 2022
Chi-fang joins the Freeman lab to explore mysterious natural product gene clusters!
June 19, 2021
Good food and better company at the Freeman lab BBQ, with special guest alumni Freddie and Matt!
May 2021
Our group keeps growing...Dr. Takahiro Jomori joins our lab as a postdoctoral fellow...Yōkoso (ようこそ)!
February 15, 2021
Aman's blog gets some UMN press, highlighting how one person's compassion and effort can make a difference.
February 2021
Nisha joins the Freeman Lab...Cowabunga!
January 16, 2021
We all had fun at the (virtual) Freeman Lab holiday party. Despite what Aileen kept saying, I wasn't the Imposter every. single. time.
May 12, 2020
Kathryn easily clears her BMBB graduate board oral exam - congratulations, well done!
May 8, 2020
Freddie rocks her Ph.D. defense - We could not be more proud of you!
April 2020
Aman receives not one, but two TA awards: The Cyrus Barnum Teaching Award and The CBS Outstanding Performance Award for Teaching Assistants...way to go!
February 7, 2020
Another fun holiday potluck party for the Freeman lab to ring in the new year!
February 3, 2020
Floris de Waal from Wageningen University joins our lab as a visiting scholar...Welkom!
October 2019
Sumire Kurosawa from the University of Tokyo joins our lab as a visiting scholar...Yōkoso (ようこそ)!
September 28, 2019
Our warmest congratulations goes out to our very own Freddie on her and Nathan's beautiful wedding day!
September 2019
Undergraduates Sarah Schmidt-Dannert and Sayuj Suresh join the lab...welcome!!
August 28, 2019
Another day filled with barn animals and too much food at the Minnesota State Fair. Grueling battles at our 4th Annual air hockey tournament...Final results: Mike 1st, Aman 2nd, Freddie 3rd.
July 18, 2019
1st Annual Freeman-Buller joint lab outing at Great River Bluffs State Park.
May 27, 2019
Chloé Lopez joins the Freeman lab as a Biotechnology Master's student from the University of Lille, France. Bienvenue Chloé!
May 23, 2019
Aileen Lee passes her graduate board oral exams to officially become a BMBB Ph.D. candidate...congrats Aileen!
May 18, 2019
Freddie receives yet another award: The Outstanding Performance Award for Teaching Assistants. Next time leave some for the rest of us :^).
May 16, 2019
Aman Imani passes his graduate board oral exams to officially become a BMBB Ph.D. candidate...way to go Aman!
May 5-9, 2019
Aman and Aileen present posters at the Natural Products - Discovery, Biosynthesis and Application conference in Copehagen!
May 1, 2019
Freddie receives the Cyrus Barnum Teaching Award (and recognition of her ARCS fellowship) at the 2019 Bollum symposium dinner award ceremony!
May 2019
Chandler Hellenbrand was awarded the Juliamarie Andreen Grilly Undergraduate Research Scholarship in Molecular Biology and the Monica Tsang and James Weatherbee Merit Scholarship in Biology!
February 2019
Our team is growing! Welcome, Kathryn!
January 27, 2019
Anna Glöckle from the Technische Universität München joins our lab as a visiting scholar...Willkommen!
January 19, 2019
Celebrating the new year with a new tradition? (Bizarro holiday ornaments!)
October 30, 2018
Freddie Miller is awarded a prestigious ARCS scholarship!
August 29, 2018
Everyone is still stunned that Freddie was edged out of the standings at the annual State Fair air hockey tourney... Final results: Mike 1st, Aman 2nd, Matt 3rd.
August 14, 2018
Aileen Lee wins the coveted poster prize for natural products at the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Annual Meeting!
August 1, 2018
Congratulations to Matthew Jensen for starting his new assistant professorship in the chemistry department at Concordia University, St. Paul!
July 2, 2018
Jakub Michalski from Poznań University in Poland joins our lab for his summer scholarship. Witam Jakub!
April 2, 2018
Chandler Hellenbrand is awarded a prestigious LSSURP fellowship to fund her summer research in our lab…way to go!
February 12, 2018
Aileen Lee and Aman Imani join the Freeman Lab as BBMB Ph.D. Students. Finally! Our Korfball team is complete!
December 15, 2017
Jingle gels! Jingle gels! Running DNA. Oh what fun are aldehydes and laying crystal trays...Hey!
...too much fun and glühwein at The Freeman Lab Holiday Party.
October 27, 2017
Freddie and the Freeman Lab get a shout-out for their work helping high school students for Minnetonka Research.
August 31, 2017
Second Freeman Lab state fair outing. The Second Freeman Lab Annual Air Hockey Tournament! Results: 1st place: Mike (they are not letting me win, I swear), 2nd place: Aman, 3rd place: Freddie.
August 23, 2017
Hip, Hip, Foray! First mushroom collection trip to Cloquet Forestry Research Station and Spirit Lake with collaborator Bob Blanchette and his lab. We’re walking on water…it’s a bog!
May 05, 2017
Freeman Lab outing to Escape MN! Question: How many scientists does it take to escape from Doctor K’s Lethal Injection Room? Answer: We have no idea.
May 03, 2017
Jacob Anderson awarded the prestigious Danielson Blake Family Scholarship…great job Jacob!
August 31, 2016
First Freeman Lab state fair outing. Also instituting the First Freeman Lab Annual Air Hockey Tournament! Results: 1st place: Mike (naturally!), 2nd place: Freddie, 3rd place: Aman.
April 28, 2016
Renovations complete! It’s a brand new lab…
January 4, 2016
The saga begins…the Freeman Lab is born.